On November 28th, 2006, the episode "Snake Researcher" aired on the Discovery Channel on the popular show "Dirty Jobs," hosted by Mike Rowe. The episode was filmed at South Bass Island State Park where Dr. Kristin Stanford takes Mike Rowe out to catch Lake Erie watersnakes to bring back to her lab for research. The episode was extremely well-received, becoming one of the top 10 most popular segments of Dirty Jobs. The premiere of "Snake Researcher" was a major component of Dr. Stanford's "Respect the Snake" campaign, as her message that the LEWS is a beneficial animal deserving of respect was broadcast to millions of viewers.
You can watch Kristin Stanford and Mike Rowe catch snakes together on Amazon Prime.
or stream on Discovery Plus or go to Discovery Go and login with your TV provider.
or stream on Discovery Plus or go to Discovery Go and login with your TV provider.